Looking back over this year it’s difficult not to see how God has been so good to our family. We started on deputation completely by faith with about 2% of our needed support and here we are – all glory to God – at over 45% of our needed support coming in. Not only the very obvious financial blessings, but also the countless spiritual blessings. We’ve had the opportunity to go soulwinning in countless different places, give Gospel tracts to countless people, and see many people saved. Never mind the unbelievable opportunities that we have had as a family to travel and see our beautiful country and Brazil. God has been so good to us. Truly. There are good and bad days that come in life, but God has been faithful.
The start of October found us in Michigan, California, and several meetings in Illinois. We heard from several pastors that they have decided to move forward in supporting us. We praise the Lord for that and look forward to being a part of their missions’ families. We had the chance to go soulwinning with almost every church that we were with in October. I was able to witness to several people in California and Michigan.
One of the people in Michigan was a 14 year old boy that had never even been to church much less read a Bible. As I began to give him the Gospel I was reminded how much I have to be accountable for in the fact that I was born and raised in such a wonderful Christian home. There are so many that don’t have the light of Christ. Who will get it to them before it’s too late? While I was witnessing to him, Jamie was on the other side of the street and a lady began to cuss her out, simply for knocking on her door and giving her a tract. It’s sad to see the rejection of the Gospel but heartening to know that there are those that will still listen, but I must be willing to tell them.
Looking ahead to the next few weeks and months there is much work that is to be done. I recently began initial missionary visa preparation. This process will be quite time consuming and resource intensive. I would covet your prayers as we begin the process of getting our documentation in order and set in motion. Exciting times ahead!
To that end, one of the key things is where we will be during our first term. This is something that we have really been praying about, and I know that many of you have as well on our behalf. After much prayer, counsel, and consideration we see that the Lord has opened a great door of opportunity for us to work with veteran missionary Ed Johnson in Taubaté. This town has 300,000 people and roughly 2.5 hours north of Sao Paulo. While there are details that we are working on, we plan to go to language school under Bro. Johnson’s leadership while working with them in the New Life Baptist Church of Taubaté. There is much work to be done there and we feel that we would learn much from them culturally and ministerially in addition to the language training that we will be receiving. While we were with the folks at the church there and as we traveled throughout the city, looking back, I can truly see God knitting our hearts with those dear people and that needy city. We have agreed to take it one step at a time. Our desire is to be an asset to the Johnson’s, and the church, and to learn as much as we can while we serve with them.
If there is anything further that we can answer for you about these exciting developments, please do not hesitate to contact myself or my pastor. We are thrilled and thankful for His leading and direction in our lives.